How can I block certain tracks?

Last updated by Lucian Roux on June 24, 2016 17:12

Option 1: Click on the Block button when you preview a playlist.

  1. Navigate to your Preview Playlist page
  2. You will notice each track has a Block button.

Block your selected track.

If you decide to block a track to prevent it from being played, click on the Block button. Once clicked, it will turn into a red Blocked button indicating that it has been blocked.

Option 2: Click on the Block button when you view your play history.

  1. Another place to see your Block buttons will be when you click on Play History on the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. You will notice each track has a Block button.

Block your selected track.

If you decide to block a track to prevent it from being played, click on the Block button. Once clicked, it will turn into a red Blocked button indicating that it has been blocked.