How do I delete an existing music playlist?

Last updated by Lucian Roux on June 24, 2016 17:12

Navigate to Custom Playlists. Select your jukebox.

  1. Click on Custom Playlists located on the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. If you do not have your jukebox selected already, then you will be prompted to select the jukebox you would like to manage.
  3. Do this by clicking on the appropriate Manage Jukebox button.

Click on Delete button.

  1. You will be taken to your list of existing playlists.
  2. Click on the Delete button of the playlist you would like to delete.
  3. It is worth noting that you will not be able to delete your (Default) playlist.

Confirm deletion request.

Once you click on the Delete button, a pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm the deletion request.

  1. Press OK to confirm deletion.
  2. Press Cancel if you do not want to delete the playlist.

Confirmation of deletion.

If you have chosen to proceed with the deletion of the playlist, then you will see a message saying that your playlist has been removed.